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Software biofeedback system to improve your meditation


Questions and answers about Samadhi training

What qualifications do I need?

You must have a normal concentration ability and be prepared to use only precious time for meditation. Namely, where your ability to concentrate is greatest and your mind is most efficient. The best time of your own can be determined quickly by the feedback of the program.

How long must I be focused on the meditation object until Samadhi enters

The time is between 25 minutes and 45 minutes. First (after about 10 minutes to 20 minutes), a condition is created that is often referred to as "flow" nowadays. This leads to a kind of joyous excitement, which is partly due to one's own progress, and leads to a state adjacent to Samadhi, where all spiritual prerequisites for entering the absorption are fulfilled. Sooner or later, the state of full absortion occurs.

What is Samadhi?

Samadhi (also called jhana) is a concentration-induced mental state. The mind is virtually frozen with the object of concentration (often the mindfulness of the breathing is used as a concentration object) firmly together. There are several different systems to differentiate samadhi states. The higher levels differ mainly in the strength of the concentration. The simplest is the 2-step system, which distinguishes samadhi with and without seed.

Samadhi with seed is samadhi with effort. The object of meditation has to be taken again and again (put into focus) and the mind wanders on it without drifting off (like a bee buzzing around a flower without losing sight of it).

In the case of samadhi without a seed the concentration is so well practiced that it remains by itself on the object. Samadhi is not "enlightenment"!

Practicing with your program is not as relaxing as usual. Why is that?

Trance is often confused with meditation. Trance creates the pleasant state of self-forgetfulness that gives one the feeling of meditating "well". Unfortunately, exactly the opposite is the case. Time has just been spent in a trance. This is not bad and can be very relaxing, but it is not effective. Meditative concentration is always a bit exhausting. Therefore, it is best to practice when you are most efficient. If you are tired, relax. Samadhi meditation then makes little sense.

Incidentally, the trance poses a great danger of manipulation, which is used more or less consciously by all major religions. After and during a trance-like meditation "the ability to critique is hypnotically lowered and thus the mind particularly easy to influence, so it is better to practice trance-like meditations not in the group but only on one's own.

Why should I use your program? I have the feeling that I have been correct for a long time

This feeling comes from trust. This is an extremely important and necessary mental ability, but it has its pitfalls. First, the good: The power of trust is a clear, calm, fearless state of mind that is enormously helpful and indispensable to your concentration (as opposed to doubt). Unfortunately, however, this so harmless looking and also needed state is able to obscure legitimate criticism. Almost all "spiritual" dead ends do not have sufficient justification (ie false but stubborn faith) as cause. Trust always has to be accompanied by one's own hard-earned knowledge in order to be really useful. If your confidence keeps you from tasting something new, but you still see your goal a long way off, then you should question it critically.

What can the program do for you?
It eliminates useless methodology and encourages really effective techniques through its feedback.

What is "enlightenment"

Enlightenment refers to two different things. Once the moment of enlightenment (also called path, fruit moment or emptiness), a samadhi with a very specific object (nirvana). However, this object can not be achieved by pure concentrative meditation. Here is another additional technique needed. And secondly, the spirit changed forever by this moment.

And what do I get from that?
A friend defined it this way: Enlightenment is a priceless treasure. One knows with absolute certainty from personal experience that one is fundamentally not affected by birth, death or any other phenomenon.

What are "magic powers," Siddhis?

The so-called "magical consciousness" is a dangerous state of mind, which often becomes apparent after leaving the absorption. It is accompanied by fantasies of omnipotence, memories of past existences, hallucinations, paranoia, etc. Please do not indulge in its contents, but see it for what it is: an intermediate state that returns from an unusually high concentration back to normal consciousness. This intermediate state, however, can be incredibly useful if you can watch it carefully without being caught by its contents. It then leads directly to the not always easily tolerable sight of impermanence, which is the basic requirement for "enlightenment".

Warning: Dealing with the bizarre content of this intermediate state (as the ancients knew) can lead to psychosis and to resulting long-term mental illnesses.

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